Element 25 Limited provided the results of an independent Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for its batterygrade high purity manganese sulphate monohydrate (HPMSM) production process, which has confirmed the mine to market carbon footprint for the production of E25 HPMSM as the lowest in the global manganese industry based on published data. The LCA is based on data from E25's Butcherbird operations in the Pilbara region of WA and its feasibility study for a proposed HPMSM plant in Louisiana, USA and was compared to publicly available LCA reports from peers Euro Manganese (ASX: EMN) and Giyani Metals, which are also developing HPMSM projects as well as independently validated data on the carbon intensity of current Chinese production methods. E25's HPMSM process is estimated to produce just 1.7kg CO2 equivalent per kg of product, which is ~ 67% lower than competitors in China, and up to 47% lower than planned projects located outside China.

Peers included in the comparative analysis include Euro Manganese's Chvaletice project in the Czech Republic and Giyani Metals' K. Hill project in Botswana. Perthbased consultancy Super Smart Energy completed the cradletogate study, which means the life cycle has been assessed from the point of resource extraction (cradle; including preextractive removal of overburden and waste rock) to end gate, which is HPMSM ready for distribution2. The study aims to assist in project development and improvement through identification of environmental hotspots, and it was carried out in accordance with ISO14040/44:2006 and ISO14044:2006 standards, with 16 Environmental Footprint 3.0 impact categories evaluated.

Climate change and water scarcity footprint impacts were investigated in more detail via contribution analysis. The most significant contributors in the production of E25's HPMSM to climate change impact are the reagents required for the process and electricity associated with the plant. The plant is initially expected to source electricity from the grid based on natural gas fired generation, which does not include optimization using renewable energy (RE) integration.

The LCA has recommended that E25 focus on sourcing RE for the plant, which is expected to further reduce its carbon footprint. E25 intends to include RE in preconstruction optimization work, either sourced from the grid via established RE producers or by utilizing on site roof top solar and other similar technologies.