The DUG Technology group announce that it has signed an agreement with Austal Australia for the provision of high-performance computing as a service (HPCaaS) using DUG McCloud. The contract includes burst compute and storage over a term of 12 months. As the agreement is for the use of burst it is not possible to estimate revenue at this time. All of DUG's previously announced contract awards join a growing list of new DUG McCloud signings over the last twelve months, which includes Offshore Weather Services, Portable Spectral Services, Artrya, Biotome, Australian Catholic Universities, UWA School of Population and Global Health, HiSeis, RockWave, EIF Geosolutions, Axxis Geo Solutions and Optic Earth. While each of these awards was not material with respect to revenue at the time of signing, they highlight a trend with positive upside. These clients represent a growing pool of DUG McCloud users who are all very important to the Company.