FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - At 21.64 euros, Delivery Hero shares were trading at an all-time low on Tuesday morning. The food delivery company's shares had already lost 13.5 percent in the still young year 2024, having already fallen by 44 percent in 2023.

Just the day before, analyst Andrew Gwynn from Exane BNP Paribas had poured fuel on the fire of the already weak industry sentiment with a negative study. "What can you do with a sector in which the only company making any money at all issues a profit warning?" said the expert, referring to the bad news from Hellofresh at the end of last year.

In her current outlook, his colleague Lisa Yang from Goldman Sachs is now also rather skeptical about the earnings trend in the online food sector in the short term. She even issued a sell recommendation for Hellofresh. However, Yang is optimistic about Delivery Hero and emphasized its value creation potential. She recalled that the Berlin-based company had already held out the prospect of a possible partial sale of its Asian business for a billion-euro sum in the fall of 2023.

Delivery Hero went public in 2017 at an issue price of 25.50 euros. Years later, the share price soared during the coronavirus pandemic as restaurants remained closed during the lockdown and used the delivery business as a means to generate some additional business. In 2021, the share, which had temporarily climbed into the DAX, peaked at 145 euros. Based on this, it has currently lost 85% of its value./ag/tih/stk