At the end of the morning, the stock was up 2.5%, benefiting from a positive analysis.

Invest Securities raised its position on Dassault Systèmes to 'neutral', with a target price raised from 30 to 35 euros, judging that its 'sell' opinion, 'adopted at the end of July with some success (-23 points of underperformance to date), is no longer relevant'.

While the rise in interest rates that penalized 2022's stock market performance seems to be running out of steam, our valuation is benefiting from this, with the OC per DCF raised to 35 euros thanks to the fall in the WACC (weighted average cost of capital)", explains the analyst.

He nevertheless points out that the uncertainty surrounding earnings momentum does not allow him to adopt a more positive opinion at present, even though he appreciates the fundamentals and the medium- to long-term earnings trajectory.

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