JCR News Release


January 16, 2015

JCR Assigned AA- Rating to Bonds of Daiwa House Residential Investment

Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) announces the following credit rating.


Daiwa House Residential Investment Corporation (DHI) is a J-REIT (Japanese real estate investment

trust) primarily investing in residential properties (rental housing). Its asset management company, Daiwa House Asset Management Co., Ltd., is owned by DAIWA HOUSE INDUSTRY CO., LTD. DHI's current portfolio consists of 136 properties with the total acquisition price of 237.6 billion yen and has been performing stably thanks to collaboration with the Daiwa House Group. JCR announced on December 10, 2014 the affirmation of the AA- long-term issuer rating on DHI with Stable outlook. Since then there have been no major changes in JCR's view on DHI's creditworthiness. The funds to be raised by the bond issue will be appropriated for the redemption of existing rehabilitation obligations, i.e. borrowings and investment corporation bonds, and the bond issue will not have any particular impact on the financial structure.


Shigeo Sugiyama, Takanori Akiyama

Issuer: Daiwa House Residential Investment Corporation (security code: 8984)

Issue Amount (bn) Issue Date Due Date Coupon Rating

bonds no.2 Y3 Jan. 22, 2015 Jan. 22, 2021 0.350% AA- bonds no.3 Y3 Jan. 22, 2015 Jan. 22, 2025 0.670% AA-

Negative Pledge: Covers other domestic unsecured investment corporation bonds DHI issued or may issue in the future, except those with a change of security status clause.

Other Covenants: Not Attached Bond Administrator: Not Appointed Shelf Registration:

Maximum: Y100 billion

Valid: two years effective from December 20, 2013

Long-term Issuer Rating: AA- Outlook: Stable

Rating Assignment Date: January 16, 2015

The criteria used for identifying matters which serve as assumptions for the assessment of the credit status, and the criteria used for setting of grades indicating the results of the assessments of the credit status are published as "Types of Credit Ratings and Definitions of Rating Symbols" (January 6, 2014) in Rating Policies on JCR's website (http://www.jcr.co.jp/english/).

Outline of methodology for determination of the credit rating is shown as "J-REIT" (June 2, 2014) in Structured Finance, Rating Methodology on JCR's website (http://www.jcr.co.jp/english/).

Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.

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Tel. +81 3 3544 7013, Fax. +81 3 3544 7026

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JCR is registered as a "Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organ ization" with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to the following four classes. (1) Financia l institutions, brokers and dealers, (2) Insurance Companies, (3) Corporate Issuers, (4) Issuers of government securities, municipal securities and foreign government securities.

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