In compliance with Article 157, Paragraph 4 of Law 6,404/76 and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM Instruction No. 358/2002, CPFL Energia S.A. ("CPFL Energia") informs that CPFL Energias Renováveis S.A. ("CPFL Renováveis") have released, on the date hereof, the following Announcement to the Market:

CPFL ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS S.A., a publicly held company with headquarters in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, located at Avenida Dr. Cardoso de Melo, 1.184, 7th floor, Vila Olímpia, CEP 04548-004, corporate taxpayer's ID (CNPJ) number 08.439.659/0001-50 ("Company"), hereby informs the market that on January 12, 2012 it signed a Stock Purchase and Sale Agreement with COBRA INSTALACIONES Y SERVICIOS S.A. ("Stock Purchase and Sale Agreement"), whose purpose is the acquisition by the Company of the entire number of shares issued by the companies ATLÂNTICA I PARQUE EÓLICO S.A., corporate taxpayer's ID (CNPJ) number 12.773.558/0001-99, ATLÂNTICA II PARQUE EÓLICO S.A., corporate taxpayer's ID (CNPJ) number 12.963.869/0001-10, ATLÂNTICA IV PARQUE EÓLICO S.A., corporate taxpayer's ID (CNPJ) number 12.981.225/0001-55 and ATLÂNTICA V PARQUE EÓLICO S.A., corporate taxpayer's ID (CNPJ) number 12.864.421/0001-40, all companies with headquarters located at Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160, sala 1.622, Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro ("Companies"). The Companies own authorizations, for 35 years, to generate electric power from wind sources in the independent production regimen, through the installation of their respective wind farms. The projects, which together have an installed capacity of 120 MW, had all their certified power sold in the Renewable Source Auction held on August 26, 2010, and are the subject of Ministry of Mines and Energy official announcements no. 134, of February 25, 2011, no. 148, of March 03, 2011, no. 147, of March 03, 2011, and no. 168, of March 21, 2011. The Stock Purchase and Sale Agreement is subject to approval by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) and other conditions inherent to this type of business arrangement. Once the conditions are implemented, the Company will own all of the shares that have been issued by the Companies."

São Paulo, January 13, 2012.

CPFL Energia S.A.
Lorival Nogueira Luz Junior
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer