On January 17, 2024, Bowyer Research filed an exempt solicitation statement and urged the shareholders of Costco Wholesale Corporation to vote for the proposal requesting the board to provide an audited report evaluating the material factors relevant to decisions about whether a 2050 net-zero carbon goal, or other similar decarbonization targets, is appropriate, including factors that mitigate against the feasibility of such goals. These factors might reasonably include technological feasibility (or its absence), the economic consequences of adoption, the possibility that the climate models that underlie such goals are incorrect, the possibility that failure to adopt such goals in other countries will render adoption by Costco meaningless, the possibility that U.S. governments will not mandate such decarbonization ? thereby upending adoption-favoring "stranded asset" assumptions, and relevant considerations.

The report should be made public, produced at reasonable cost, and omit proprietary information.