Cooper Metals Limited announced the start of fixed loop electromagnetic survey (FLEM) at the Python and King Solomon Cu-Au Prospects located at Mt Isa East Project in northwestern Queensland. Geophysical Program Rationale and Details: Cu-Au mineralization at the Python and King Solomon Prospects is hosted in mixed siltstones, sandstones and limestone of the Corella Formation. Both Prospects have extensive historical workings in the form of shafts and small open pits, significantly without any recorded drill testing.

The geophysical program comprises two separate survey blocks over each prospect with each block consisting of a number of traverses of three component FLEM. The high powered FLEM survey is the first of this type conducted on these historical prospects and is designed to identify the presence of conductive anomalies under the old workings that may indicate the presence of copper sulphide mineralisation at depth. The program will take around two weeks barring any weather-related delays.

Company's exploration strategy is to apply modern exploration to new and historical Cu-Au targets, in known mineralized terrains that have had very limited previous drill testing. This strategy is working well elsewhere in the district with recent significant discoveries by Carnaby Resources at their Nil Desperandum and Lady Fanny Prospects.