Carnarvon Petroleum Limited announced that operations at the Phoenix South-2 well have been safely completed and the rig has now left the drilling location. The well drilled an estimated 39 metre hydrocarbon-bearing zone between approximately 5,176 and 5,215 metres with significant gas influx and elevated reservoir pore pressures. The well was unable to assess as much as 185 metres of additional potential hydrocarbon bearing Caley reservoir beneath 5,215 metres due to the higher than anticipated pressures being encountered. The higher formation pressures encountered typically support both larger volumes and higher gas and condensate flows rates over a given reservoir. An update on volume estimates will be provided once Carnarvon has had an opportunity to assess all of the information obtained from the well. These results are expected to have a positive impact on volumes assessments in the Phoenix South Caley Sandstone. The joint venture will also assess the results of this well for the purpose of considering the future operations in this area, including quantifying the resources identified in the Phoenix South Barret and Caley Sandstone formations. Unfortunately, the subsurface conditions in this well did not allow for the well to be suspended in a way that would allow for re-entry at a later date.