Alstom Grid, Inc. and Cap Gemini S.A. announced the signing of a global alliance agreement to pursue joint commercial opportunities for their combined smart grid solutions. Together, the two companies will launch the industry's first real-time, cloud-based(1) Integrated Distribution Management Systems (IDMS) and a new cloud-based Demand Response Management System (DRMS). Built on Alstom's e-terra 3.0 network management software platform, the services provide real-time distribution and demand response system management from a cloud environment to deliver cost savings and increased reliability.

In an increasingly competitive environment, utility customers require more secure and efficient processes and systems to reduce operational, maintenance and capital expenditure, while enhancing customer service. The joint solutions proposed by Alstom Grid and Capgemini address these challenges for distribution utilities. Benefits include: reduced total cost of ownership with full investment protection and efficiency metrics to meet electric distribution utility needs.

Lower risk through a progressive roll-out of mission-critical technologies. The single, scalable and integrated platform allows utilities to gradually roll out real-time SCADA2, Distribution Management System (DMS), Operator Management System (OMS) and DRMS3 and progressively embark on the new smart grid environment. Optimized IT maintenance and system management by delivering infrastructure and software as a service.