BioLight Life Sciences Ltd. announced promising results from a feasibility clinical study designed to detect prostate cancer cells in urine specimens using its CellDetect® technology. The study demonstrated the feasibility of detecting intact cells originating in the prostate from urine samples following prostate massage. The CellDetect® technology is being developed by Micromedic Technologies, BioLight's cancer diagnostics subsidiary, and allows an accurate diagnosis of cancerous and precancerous cells, based on a unique combination of color and morphology, by utilizing a proprietary kit containing unique extract and dyes. These study results represent a significant milestone in the commercial development of a third diagnostic product based on the CellDetect® platform technology for different cancers, and paves the way for the detection of prostate cancer through a simple urine test. The feasibility clinical study was conducted in the Kaplan Medical Center in Israel. Using the CellDetect® technology, urine samples derived from prostate cancer patients and healthy subjects were examined for the existence of cancerous and precancerous cells using a unique color marker. Of the 18 samples tested, Micromedic's research team correctly diagnosed each case in the study. Assessment of the samples by an external reviewer produced encouraging results, correctly identifying most cases of prostate cancer and most of the healthy subjects as well.