BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - The Aurelia Foundation, which specializes in environmental protection, and Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) are taking legal action against the EU Commission's decision to renew the approval of the controversial weedkiller glyphosate. On Wednesday evening, the organizations applied to the EU Commission to have the glyphosate approval revoked, as the Aurelia Foundation announced. They then want to take legal action against the renewal of the approval at the EU General Court in Luxembourg.

In mid-December, the EU Commission decided that the product could be used in the EU for a further ten years. Previously, neither enough representatives of the EU member states had spoken out for or against further use in a committee. As a result, the Commission was able to decide on its own. Among other things, there is a dispute as to whether glyphosate could be carcinogenic. There are also risks to the environment.

"The total herbicide glyphosate threatens biodiversity and bees," said the Aurelia Foundation. Studies conducted independently of pesticide manufacturers have shown a direct negative impact of glyphosate on the health and life expectancy of pollinating insects. From the point of view of the Leverkusen-based Bayer Group, which manufactures glyphosate, "there is no study conducted under realistic conditions that proves a link between glyphosate and damage to the health of honey bee colonies"./mjm/DP/zb