AHRENSBURG (dpa-AFX) - Image processing specialist Basler expects a significant decline in sales as a result of cooled demand and also wants to cut costs. In 2023, sales are expected to be only €235 million to €265 million, the SDax company announced in Ahrensburg on Wednesday evening. That would be both less than in the previous year (272.2 million euros) and below the analyst consensus. Of this, only five to eight percent should remain with Basler as pre-tax earnings (EBT). Meanwhile, the management confirmed the medium-term targets. On the trading platform Tradegate, the Basler share slipped by two percent in an initial reaction.

In order to be able to meet the return target at all, Basler has prescribed itself a savings program. Investments are to be approached restrictively and material costs are to be put to the test. New hirings have been stopped for the time being, while part of the German workforce will have to adjust to shorter working hours. In addition, the variable compensation of Executive Board members is to be paused.

The Executive Board is proposing a dividend of 14 cents per share for the year just ended. Industry experts had expected a good third more./ngu/he