FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - Aurubis shares continued their rally from the previous day at an accelerated pace on Wednesday. In the early afternoon, they were the MDax leader, up 6.5 percent at 85.30 euros, their highest level in more than a month. They thus extended their gain for the year to date to around 12 percent, after falling from an interim high of over 100 euros at the beginning of February to almost 70 euros by the end of May.

Earlier in the day, the shares of the copper producer had already risen according to statements by Group CEO Roland Harings and had ended the day around three percent higher. The manager sees his company on course for the planned strong expansion of production in the coming years. "Our growth projects are progressing," the company boss said at a capital markets day in London on Tuesday. In total, the group is known to want to invest around 1.1 billion euros in the U.S., Bulgaria and Germany by 2026. Further investments, for example in battery recycling could be added./edh/mis