Advance Metals Limited announced the company has mobilised ground crews for the commencement of 2022 exploration activities at the Garnet Creek Copper and Strategic Minerals project in Western Idaho. The Company recently had its exploration permit approved and has commenced exploration activities focused on regional target generation and project enhancement. The campaign will include a project wide soil sampling campaign, rock chip sampling campaign and mapping program with the objective to define drilling targets as well as complete a JORC Exploration target report. The commencement of the exploration program follows the Company's expansion of the Garnet
Creek Project area now consists of 78 Federal Mining Claims. The Company has engaged local exploration company Ethos Geological Consulting to help perform the groundwork sampling and mapping activities. Members of the Advance Metals team are currently in the field for the program to manage the day-to-day implementation of the campaign. Garnet Creek Copper and Strategic Minerals Project; The Garnet Creek Copper and Strategic Minerals project is located in a highly prospective historic mining district in Western Idaho. The Project adjoins historic operating mines that produced high copper grades of up to 5%. The Project Area is approximately 7 kilometres north
of the town of Cuprum and 68 kilometres northwest of the city of Council. Exploration Program; The exploration program will focus on developing exploration drill targets, geological models and permits for drilling. The campaign will consist of data gathering and sample collection from across the tenement and local area. The main activities being undertaken at the Garnet Creek Project includes: A large scale mapping and sampling program; Soil Sampling and Geochemical Sampling; Rock Chip Sampling and Analysis; Structural Mapping and identification of alteration zones; Mapping of mineralised areas; Planning for drilling program; and Road mapping and drill pad locations. A regional geological mapping and rock chip sampling will be carried out across the project area. The objective of the mapping and sampling program is the develop exploration targets and drilling permits. The soil and rock sampling campaigns will assist in the development of drill targets using machine learning. The extensive mapping campaign will focus on understanding the mineralisation controls and potential extensions of the deposit while also looking for potential
drill sites.