DAVOS (dpa-AFX) - Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and other climate activists have called for an end to new fossil fuel projects and investments at the World Economic Forum. "There can be no new fossil projects and no fossil expansions, not even of coal mines, by the way," Neubauer said Thursday in Davos. But the industry itself will not lead the way, he said. "Someone else has to say enough is enough," the climate activist from Fridays for Future demanded. As long as investors like Blackrock or Deutsche Bank were planning with fossil energy, they were on the wrong side, she said.

Swedish activist Thunberg directed harsh criticism at the heads of state and government as well as entrepreneurs in Davos. The World Economic Forum is dominated by the very people who are driving the destruction of the planet, who are at the heart of the climate crisis and who are investing in fossil fuels, she said./tam/DP/jha