A-Living Services Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3319) signed a share transfer agreement to acquire 20% stake in Qingdao Huaren Property from Zhongmin Youjia Property Invesment Co., Ltd. for CNY 29.8 million on January 23, 2019. Within 20 business days upon satisfaction of all the conditions precedent under the share transfer agreement, A-Living Services shall pay CNY 8.9 million to the seller. Upon payment of the first instalment, A-Living Services has the right to assign financial personnel to assist and supervise the financial matters of the Qingdao Huaren Property. Within 10 business days upon completion of the registration of share transfer on NEEQ and CSDC, A-Living Services shall pay CNY 14.9 million and within 15 business days upon completion of change of director(s), supervisor(s), financial responsible officer(s) and articles of association of Qingdao Huaren Property, A-Living Services shall pay CNY 5.96 million. In a related transaction, A-Living Services Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3319) signed a share transfer agreement to acquire 69.66% stake in Qingdao Huaren Property Co.,Ltd from Liang Fudong, Chang Qiaoe and Xu Meng for approximately CNY 100 million on January 23, 2019. Transaction will be financed from internal resources of A-Living Services Co., Ltd. Completion is subject to the Qingdao Huaren Property remaining as a joint stock company and is being legally established and validly existing in accordance with relevant laws of China, rules and regulations, and the Qingdao Huaren Property having obtained all the necessary approvals and permissions for its establishment and all transactional documents having been approved under internal approval procedures by all Parties in accordance with the relevant articles of association, relevant laws and regulations and the Listing Rules before execution.