Moraes  Family

Moraes Family

Net worth: 2 879 M $ as of 31/03/2024

Known holdings in public companies

CompanyDateNumber of sharesValuationValuation date
13/03/2023 377,434,773 ( 37.74% ) 897 M $ 31/03/2024
27/03/2024 85,655,128 ( 64.68% ) 613 M $ 31/03/2024
04/11/2022 208,669,918 ( 10.33% ) 576 M $ 31/03/2024
31/12/2022 82,956 ( 82.96% ) 462 M $ 31/03/2024
30/05/2023 404,937,568 ( 62.20% ) 330 M $ 31/03/2024