zvelo has announced the immediate availability of the Comprehensive Page-Level Traffic (CPT) dataset. CPT allows advertisers, ad-tech platforms, and suppliers to get thorough visibility into the quality (or lack thereof) of ad impressions, down to a specific web page. This level of detail exceeds higher-level domain-based insight, enabling companies to be much smarter and more accurate with how they budget and execute their digital campaigns. While domain data might provide a cursory overview of a website's traffic trends, the deep-dive granularity of zvelo's page-level dataset offers specificity not yet seen in the industry. zvelo customers using CPT will place a lightweight JavaScript tag (called the zTag) across all or a subset of targeted web pages or ad creatives. Customers then gain comprehensive classification data and insight into the validity of that specific page's web traffic. With this knowledge, they are armed with data that gives them many options: they can work with suppliers to clean up specific traffic generation efforts, choose to move ad spend away from undesirable pages or domains, or enforce traffic cleanliness standards. The CPT dataset is also designed to easily integrate into the reporting tool of the customer's choosing. CPT is being released following the successful launch of zvelo's free bot detection service, also an industry first. Digital marketing businesses continue to deploy this service to quickly determine which website impressions are invalid, low quality, or non-human. CPT's page-level knowledge can work as a more-actionable complement to businesses already using zvelo's free bot detection capabilities.