Yankey Engineering Co., Ltd. on July 4, 2024 announced that the The Board of Directors resolved Appointment of the Sustainable Development Committee Members. Name of the new position holder: Directors:Chung-Liang Lin Independent director:Chih-Wei Tsai/Yu-Lin Chen; Resume of the new position holder: Chung-Liang Lin/Head of General Management Division of Yankey Engineering Co., Ltd. Chih-Wei Tsai/CPA of Chainye Accounting Firm/Independent director of Taiwan Chinsan Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd.,/Independent director of Universal Microwave Technology Inc./Independent director of Celxpert Energy Corporation. Yu-Lin Chen/General Manager of Neo One Capital Inc./Chairman of Lang-Wei Management Consulting Co., Ltd./Chairman of Tomoto Corporation/Vice President of Carota Corporation/Investment Manager of MagiCap Venture Capital Co., Ltd./Investment Manager of SBI&CAPITAL22; Reason for the change: new appointment.

Effective date of the new member: July 4, 2024.