Patriot One Technologies Inc. announced that retired Vice Admiral Robert Stiles Harward Jr. has joined the company’s Senior Advisory Board. Robert Harward Jr., known by his friends as Bob Harward, is a retired United States Navy SEAL and a former Deputy Commander of the United States Central Command, under the leadership command of General James Mattis. Harward is currently a defense industry executive working for Lockheed Martin as the Chief Executive for Lockheed Martin in the Middle East. In this role, Harward’s responsibilities include strategy, operations and growth in the greater Middle East region, including: UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan. A lifelong national security leader, Harward served on the National Security Council for the Bush Administration, commissioned the National Counter Terrorism Center, and has extensive combat and counterterrorism experience as a United States Navy SEAL. In addition, Harward served as the Deputy Commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command and previously commanded Combined Joint Interagency Task Force 435. Craig Micklich, founder and CEO of Sotech Secure - a Patriot One joint venture - recommended Harward to the Company’s senior advisory group because of his outstanding leadership, dedication and service to protecting others throughout his career. His commitment to protecting today’s global citizens matches Patriot One’s vision. Robert Harward Jr. will begin working with the company's senior advisory group and management team starting in September 2019. He joins a distinguished team of senior advisors, including Governor Tom Ridge - First U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Karl Wagner - retired Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Agency, Ward Elcock - former Canadian Deputy Minister for Public Safety, Andrew Brear - former senior British diplomat, Jamie Hamilton Graham – former Chief Constable of the Victoria and Vancouver Police Departments and Michael Rozin - President of Rozin Security.