On 28 January 2019, Xinte Energy Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Xinte Crystal Silicon High-Tech Co., Ltd. entered into a strategic cooperation sale and purchase agreement with Wuhai Jingyuntong New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. Pursuant to the Strategic Cooperation Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Company and Xinte Crystal Silicon shall sell 32,000 tons of polysilicon in total to Wuhai Jingyuntong during the period from 28 January 2019 to 31 December 2021, and Wuhai Jingyuntong shall place orders to procure polysilicon on a monthly basis according to its needs, and the prices of the orders shall be determined each month with reference to the prevailing market prices through negotiations. Based on the average transaction price of dense polysilicon materials of RMB 79,100/ton (including tax) which was announced by the Silicon Industry Branch of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association in the fourth week of January 2019, the total sum under the Strategic Cooperation Sale and Purchase Agreement is expected to be approximately RMB 2,531 million (including tax). Wuhai Jingyuntong and its ultimate beneficial owner(s) are independent third parties of the Company and its connected persons. In addition, the transaction contemplated under the Strategic Cooperation Sale and Purchase Agreement is conducted in the ordinary course of business of the Company, and therefore does not constitute a notifiable transaction under Chapter 14 and a connected transaction under Chapter 14A of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.