The board of directors of World Houseware (Holdings) Limited announced that resolution number 3 of both notice of Annual General Meeting (the Notice) and circular of Annual General Meeting (the Circular) on 28 April 2023, to propose appointment of executive directors, non-executive directors and independent non-executive directors, as set out in the Notice and Circular that ordinary resolutions were duly passed by the Shareholders by way of poll at the Annual General Meeting (the AGM) on 31 May 2023. The board of the company announced that Mr. Leung Cho Wai, Mr. Tsui Chi Yuen and Mr. Lee Hon Sing Alan are appointed as executive directors; Ms. Lee Ka Yee is appointed as non-executive director; Ms. Tsang Wing Yee and Ms. Hong Ting are appointed as independent non-executive directors to the board, effective date is on 1 July 2023; simultaneously of that date, Ms. Lee Ka Yee, Ms. Tsang Wing Yee and Ms. Hong Ting are appointed as members of each of the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee and Risk Committee of the Board. The board of the company announced that the title of Vice Chairperson /Vice Chairman of the Board are no longer exists from 1 July 2023, the operation of the Board would be enhanced as a result of this alteration.