Solucom and the Foundation signed a three-year partnership in September to strengthen the links of the major consulting firm with the Telecoms colleges (Telecom ParisTech, Telecom Bretagne, Telecom SudParis, Telecom Ecole Management) of the Institute of Mines-Telecom. The agreement applies both to recruitment and to long-term support for the colleges in their training, research and innovation efforts.

Beyond recognition activities carried out on all the campuses among the students to let them find out about the firm and its work, the partnership will allow Solucom to actively participate in the Foundation programmes alongside the dozen other Foundation partners.

Solucom's contribution will facilitate supporting in particular the Telecoms colleges in their support for students when defining their professional project and developing their knowledge in the digital professions.

Solucom will also support the creation of business incubators at the colleges, financing theses on breakthrough subjects, and carrying out forecasting work about the major challenges for the new digital society through its contribution to the Digital Future Think Tank. The issues addressed in this Think Tank include: managerial impacts of the digital transformation of companies, new digital business models, which are central to the problems Solucom handles.

Guy Roussel, Chairman of the Telecom Foundation proudly welcomes this new partner in a situation in which the links between academics and businesses need to be strengthened in order to contribute to the country's economic development: "The Foundation is happy to welcome Solucom, a major player in consulting, to its panel of partners. We salute its long-term commitment to support the colleges in their development and to maintain their level of excellence."

Solucom, a strong historical link with the Telecoms colleges

For Pascal Imbert, a graduate of the École Polytechnique (1977) and of Telecom ParisTech (1982), co-founder and chairman of Solucom, "Solucom has historically had a very strong link with the Telecoms colleges. At a time when our company is involved in the digital transformation of businesses, we want to further strengthen our link with the Telecoms colleges, which provide training of excellence in the digital field in France."

About Solucom

Solucom is a management and IS consulting firm.

Solucom's customers are among the top 200 large companies and public bodies. For them, Solucom is capable of mobilising and combining the skills and expertise of 1,200 staff members.

Its mission? To place innovation at the heart of business lines, target and steer transformations that are sources of added value, and turn the information system into an actual asset designed to serve corporate strategies.

Solucom is listed on NYSE Euronext and has been granted the innovative company award from BpiFrance.

Solucom press contact
KaBeCom agency : Katia Brozek
+33 (0)1 44 92 02 26

About the Telecom Foundation

The Telecom Foundation brings together companies and graduates who want to be committed alongside the Institute of Mines-Telecom to take up the new industrial, economic and societal challenges of the Digital Society and to support the development of its Telecoms colleges. At the colleges and the Institute it supports and finances programmes and projects initiated together with its partners (the founding partners are Alcatel Lucent, BNP Paribas, France Telecom-Orange, Google and SFR) in the areas of training (grants, open innovation programme for students), research (financing theses and post-doctoral work), innovation (supporting start ups), and futurology (Digital Future Think Tank).

Telecom Foundation press contacts

OXYGEN Agency : Maëlle Garrido, Tatiana Graffeuil
+33 (0)1 41 11 37 85 / 37 89 -
Mines-Telecom Institute : Jérôme Vauselle
+33 (0)1 45 81 75 05
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