VitalHub Corp. announced that the Province of Nova Scotia has signed a five-year agreement, with options to extend for a total of five additional years, to license VitalHub’s TREAT client management software to support the Department of Community Services (DCS) transformation following the issuance of a Request For Proposal (RFP) for a digitally enabled Collaborative Case Management Solution. This agreement represents a significant and material event for VitalHub. The five-year contract value includes a combination of recurring license revenue and professional services delivered over five years, which together are expected to equal approximately $9 million (CAD) over the initial term. The Department of Community Services is the largest direct deliverer of human and social services in Nova Scotia. The primary responsibility of DCS is to ensure the basic needs of individuals and families are met by providing services and supports to persons in need and by protecting children and adults at risk. These services form a secure and predictable social safety net for Nova Scotians and help contribute to better futures for children and families, persons with disabilities, seniors, and communities. Upon implementation of the TREAT Software, all DCS program areas, including Employment Support and Income Assistance; Child, Youth & Family Supports; and Disability Support Program, will be using the software. NS DCS has been undergoing significant transformation in the last few years, including working toward developing and recommending changes to programs, policies and service delivery. The RFP was issued recognizing that there is a requirement for an innovative software solution to improve the delivery of supports and services for Nova Scotians. The Province’s RFP sought a configurable Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) system to simplify administration and deliver services quicker to clients in an integrated fashion.