Valiant Eagle Inc. announced that its gaming subsidiary, VE Gaming, is preparing the launch of its first playable video game demo, “Roo Awakening”, in conjunction with Robot Sea Monster. After months of close collaboration, VE Gaming and Robot Sea Monster have completed the new video game and are now shifting attention to the gaming demo launch, as well as organizing a private demo for select gamers in the industry. VE Gaming and Valiant Eagle are also working towards integrating features from the video game to be compatible with the company's Fungy NFT marketplace.

"Roo Awakening" will have 13,000 kangaroo NFTs with different characteristics, attributes, powers, and more. Gamers can collect the different NFTs and help impact their value by playing the game. In addition, Valiant Eagle is has started the process for an animated feature inspired by the "Roo Awakening" video game.

In September 2021, VE Gaming initially announced its partnership with Robot Sea Monster, a digital production studio with an impressive background in designing and developing mobile and web-based games, AR/VR games, Web3 applications, and more. Here is a brief synopsis of the “Roo Awakening” game and NFT collection: The Roo Awakening will be a web and a mobile-based beat-em-up game centered around 13 different mobs of Roos, all specializing in different skills. Purchase a Roo Awakening NFT from a specific mob, and get access to the game where user can play to earn Fungy tokens and other additional rewards.

The tokens and rewards can be used on to make user marketplace experience more pleasurable. With an in-game training mode and acquired skills, playing the game allows user to raise the value of user NFT and make the collection much more lucrative. While the rarity of the NFT will determine the skill level and difficulty of the game for faster earning, the ability to bring the lowest priced NFTs to a higher value by engaging in the game will present all investors with equal opportunity to thrive.

Which Roo Mob will reign supreme, user decide.