Certain Ordinary Shares of Union Insurance Company Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 11-JAN-2023. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 365 days starting from 11-JAN-2022 to 11-JAN-2023.

Lock-in Ordinary shares of the issuer, at the time of according consent to the public issue, shall be subject to lock-in, from the first trading day at the exchange in the following manner: (a) Shares held by sponsors, directors and shareholders holding 10% or more, for 03 years, (b) In case, any existing sponsor or director of the issuer transfers any share to any person, those transferred shares, for 03 years, (c) Shares allotted to any person, before 4 years or more of according consent to the public issue, other than the persons mentioned in clause (a) and (b), for 01 year, (d) Shares held by alternative investment funds, for 01 year, (e) Shares held by any person, other than the shares mentioned in clause (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, for 02 years.