U GRO Capital announced the launch of GRO X App, a credit line on UPI for MSMEs. It will enable small business owners, retailers, traders, professionals, and small manufacturers across India to obtain collateral-free instant credit for immediate working capital requirements and to manage their financial liquidity. The Company has recently unveiled its first brand campaign to demonstrate its technological prowess, superior underwriting, and instant loan solutions for last-mile MSMEs.

Over 63 million MSMEs in India employ more than 110 million people and account for nearly 30% of the country's GDP. However, a lack of timely credit prevents them from realising their potential. U GRO Capital's newly launched GRO X App aims to address this small business credit need by utilising data analytics and technology to provide flexible and affordable credit to MSMEs.

U GRO plans to acquire and service over 1 million MSME customers in the next 3 years on the GRO X platform which is a completely digital and seamless journey for accessing and utilizing short-term credit extended to small businesses. U GRO Capital is revolutionizing MSME lending and assisting the credit- underserved MSME segment by bridging the massive funding-growth gap. GRO X App is a natural progression for the company in its mission to solve the working capital problem of the last mile MSME.

U GRO Capital aims to achieve AUM of INR 20,000 million and capture 1% market share in the MSME lending space by 2025.