Trina Solar Co., Ltd. and PetroGreen Energy Corporation signed a master supply agreement (MSA) to facilitate the Philippines' solar energy expansion. Under the MSA, Trina Solar will supply 117MW of high-performance PV solar modules to various projects in the Philippines spearheaded by PetroGreen's subsidiary, Rizal Green Energy Corporation (RGEC). Combining Trina Solar's cutting-edge solar technology with PetroGreen's extensive experience in the Philippine renewable energy sector, this partnership is poised to significantly contribute to the Philippine government's target of 35% renewable energy by 2030.

Trina Solar and PetroGreen has forged a steadfast partnership since 2015. The collaboration has already seen success with the delivery of 27MW of modules to PetroGreen's Dagohoy solar PV project on the island of Bohol. This project ­ which is reportedly the first large-scale solar farm on the island ­ is due to be completed this year.

It aims to help the island province reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. Building on this foundation of success, Trina Solar will also supply modules to PetroGreen's projects including those in the provinces of Nueva Ecija, Pangasinan, and Isabela. Altogether, these projects will utilise more than 129,000 modules, generating an estimated annual energy yield of 129.14GWh.

This amount of electricity is sufficient to power 53,800 Philippine homes each year based on average household consumption. Furthermore, the agreement allows PetroGreen to explore a range of module types offered by Trina Solar, including its industry-leading n-type iTOPCon Advanced cell technology, Vertex products which can be used for various applications like utility and commercial and industrial (C&I). This flexibility allows PetroGreen to select the most suitable modules for its projects, helping to optimize performance and efficiency.

While the current MSA focuses on the supply of solar modules, both parties acknowledge the potential for future collaboration in other areas. This includes the exploration of solar tracker systems and battery energy storage systems (BESS). This openness to expanding the partnership signifies a long-term commitment to innovation and comprehensive renewable energy solutions.