Total and 174 Power Global have signed an agreement to form a 50/50 joint venture (JV) to develop 12 utility-scale solar and energy storage projects of 1.6 gigawatts (GW) cumulative capacity in the United States, transferred from 174 Power Global's development pipeline. The first project started production in 2020, and the remainder will be put on stream between 2022 and 2024. Located in Texas, Nevada, Oregon, Wyoming and Virginia the projects will produce clean and reliable energy across the U.S. and lead to the creation of jobs in engineering, construction and plant operations. The JV builds on a strong partnership that combines 174 Power Global's extensive solar project development experience in the U.S. with Total's decade-long international expertise in the development of solar projects. As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, Total is building a portfolio of activities in renewables and electricity that could account for up to 40% of its sales by 2050. At the end of 2020, Total's gross power generation capacity worldwide was around 12 GW, including close to 7 GW of renewable energy. With the objective of reaching 35 GW of production capacity from renewable sources by 2025, Total will continue to expand its business to become one of the world leaders in renewable energies.