Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. announced the launch of Bask Bank, a digital savings account that earns American Airlines AAdvantage® miles instead of interest. Bask Bank's unique collaboration with American Airlines empowers savers, giving them an incentive-based savings account to earn AAdvantage® miles. Every dollar saved is an AAdvantage® mile earned. There are no fees, no minimum balance, it's easy to sign up and savers enjoy unlimited potential to earn miles. Traditional savings accounts return pennies on the dollar. Bask Bank changes that by rewarding savers with miles, enhancing their saving potential and providing them with choice, value, and the opportunity to experience travel and more through the AAdvantage® program. The digital platform provides customers with the convenience of banking whenever they need while seamlessly adding the miles they earn to their AAdvantage® account. Bask Bank will also offer several ways to earn AAdvantage® bonus miles, including an account opening bonus of 5,000 AAdvantage® miles, a feedback bonus and a variety of balance bonuses.