HELD ON 30 MAY 2024

Minority Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG)

Total: 7 Questions





The growing demand for carbon-efficient products and

TM has launched TM One Innovation Lab and Enterprise 5G Lab on 20 February

services presents some opportunities for the Group.

2024, as the platform to co-create industry focused solutions which includes helping

(Page 41 of Integrated Annual Report 2023 "IAR2023")

our customers in their decarbonisation journey.

How does the Company plan to innovate and adapt its

In 2023, we had introduced several solutions to cater for the growing demand in

product and service offerings to meet the growing

carbon-efficient products i.e. Smart Traffic Management powered by AI and sensor-


based Smart Street Light. Please refer to Page 101 of IAR 2023 for the list of


We have also enhanced the renewable energy usage in data centres by 7% to 40%

in 2023, and secured Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and

Green Building Index (GBI) certifications for our 2 data centres i.e. KVDC and IPDC.


The table below set forth the revenue contribution by key

(a) Revenue drivers

customer-facing business unit:

We do not anticipate any significant shift in the revenue drivers as retail is still a key

revenue generator and contributing positively with the ramp-up of convergence

products and services.

For the medium to long term, we foresee a higher wholesale contribution to the

revenue mix with increased demand in bandwidth and high adoption of new

With the increasing adoption of AI, quantum computing,

technologies i.e. AI, IoT, platforms and edge computing.

edge computing and IOT is expected to pent up the

(b) Capital Expenditures

demand for the wholesale bandwidth. On the other hand,

the mobile market is near saturation, not to mention the

The total capital expenditure is aligned to our CAPEX guidance (18%-20% of

increased competition.

revenue). Apart from the new growth areas, priority will also be given to strategic

(a) Premised on the above, does the Group anticipate a

investments that support our core network expansion especially to cater for

shift in its primary revenue drivers?

increase in bandwidth demand.

(b) How is the Company planning to allocate capital

expenditures to support the pent-up demand?



Minority Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG)

Total: 7 Questions





We achieved sustained revenue growth exceeding the

Customer remains our utmost priority and we will continue to improve the customer

revenue guidance for the financial year and continued to

experience by providing superior and personalised experiences as elaborated on

optimise expenditures, resulting in a higher than market

page 103 - 107 of IAR 2023. Our cost optimisation initiatives remain balanced and

guidance EBIT."

not in any way adversely affect our customer experience.

(Page 27 of IAR2023)

How does the Group balance optimising expenditures and

Our improved NPS score from 39 to 46 is testament to our relentless effort in

delighting our customers towards achieving our aspiration to be a world-class

maintaining service quality?



The Company to departs from Practice 5.2 of the Malaysian

Board Succession Planning is an important agenda for the Board Nomination and

Code on Corporate Governance ("MCCG"), which states

Remuneration Committee (NRC) and TM Board. The Board has taken cognisance of the

that at least half of the board should comprise independent

directors' retirement and board composition post-AGM, and has deliberated on the

directors. For large companies, the board comprises a

succession plan for the retiring directors. TM will be announcing the new INEDs

majority of independent directors. Telekom's board

appointments soon.

composition as at December 2023 and at the issuance of

the CG Report consists twelve (12) Directors excluding

Concurrently, the Board will continue to assess the composition of INED to ensure

Alternate Director as follows:

compliance to the MCCG Practise 5.2 and will be making the necessary announcements

in due course.

a) One Non-Independent and Non-Executive Chairman;


One Non-Independent Executive Director or

TM Board is committed to enhance the composition to ensure adherence to MCCG


Practice 5.2 on majority independent directors for large companies and diversity in


Four Non-Independent and Non-Executive Directors;

accordance with the Fit and Proper criteria.


d) Six Independent and Non-Executive Directors (INED).

The composition reflects an equal number of non-

independent directors and INEDs.

The Company is currently actively seeking suitable

qualified candidate(s) for appointment as INED of the

Company. (Page 28 of Corporate Governance Report

2023 "CG Report 2023"). Having served as Directors for

nearly eight years, Tunku Afwida Tunku Dato' A. Malek

and Balasingham A. Namasiwayam have expressed their

intention not to seek for re-election at the forthcoming 39th

AGM. (Page 177 of CG Report 2023).



Minority Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG)

Total: 7 Questions





Upon retirement of Tunku Afwida Tunku Dato' A. Malek

and Balasingham A. Namasiwayam, the Board will only

have 4 INEDs on the Board.

(a) What are the interim measures being considered to

enhance the independence of the board while new

INEDs are being sought?

(b) Please provide an update on the progress regarding

the appointment of Independent Non Executive

Directors (INED) so far?


As part of the effort to reduce carbon emissions of its

(a) Network modernisation is essential for TM to stay competitive, resilient and

operations, Telekom intensified efforts towards energy

efficient in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. The invested CAPEX amount will

efficiency including network modernisation. (Page 41 of

form part of our 18-20% CAPEX percentage to revenue guidance.

IAR 2023)

(a) What is the anticipated total capex required for the

(b) Modernising our network is a continuous journey. To-date, most of our Core

network has been modernised and is able to support new technologies. We will

modernisation of the networks?

continue to enhance our network as per the Network Modernisation Plan approved

(b) What percentage of the networks has been modernised

by the Board.

to date?

(c) How substantial is the enhancement in energy

(c) We have achieved 14% reduction in our 2023 power utilisation as compared to

efficiency within the network subsequent to

our 2019 baseline. Further details on our energy efficiency efforts and


performance are outlined on pages 128-130 of the IAR.


'We are committed to leveraging digitalisation as a tool for

TM assesses its carbon emissions and several other environmental metrics as reported

sustainable growth across various sectors. By integrating

on Page 123-131 of the IAR2023.

sustainability into our digital initiatives, we aim to foster the

nation's economic development while minimising

These metrics provide an understanding of the environmental impact of our digitalisation

environmental impact." (Page 66 of AR2023)

efforts, as they cover TM's key enablers for digitalisation, namely the environmental

impact of our network and data centres.

Has the Group conducted any assessments on the

environmental impact of its digitalisation efforts?



Minority Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG)

Total: 7 Questions





'As a leading digital company with an extensive network of

TM is committed to protecting our stakeholders' interests by putting in place

stakeholders and a vast repository of data, we shoulder a

strategies to ensure cyber resilience and enhanced data protection.

significant responsibility to safeguard these assets against

evolving cyber threats. Our cyber security strategy is

We have a dedicated cybersecurity team led by a Chief Information Security Officer

meticulously designed to protect our stakeholders' interests

(CISO) as well as a Security Operations Centre (SOC) to monitor and prevent cyber

and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of our data."

threats. TM continues to invest, uplift and optimise cyber security measures

(Page 158 of AR2023)

including response playbooks and periodic exercises.

How is Telekom preparing for future cyber security

We also work closely with government agencies including Majlis Keselamatan

challenges, such as those posed by the Internet of Things

Negara (MKN), Malaysia's National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA), MCMC and

(IoT) and 5G technology?

ministries to further strengthen our control measures to face the ever-growing threat

of cyber attacks.

We continuously engage our customers to better understand their needs in order to

deliver solutions, including IoT and 5G technology, and embed with relevant cyber

security measures.

More information on our approach to cybersecurity in available on Page 158-160 of

the annual report.




Total: 13





Category: Door Gift

Total: 2


Is the company giving any door gift to


Lee Chew Foong

We thank you for your queries and feedback on the provisioning of door

shareholders attending this AGM


Yong Joon Fah

gifts for shareholders attending the virtual 39th AGM.


Loo Yeo Ming

Please reconsider giving door gift as token of


Jama'iah binti Sabilan

In line with the administration guide of the AGM, there will be no



Fong Lee Yong

distribution of door gifts for members/proxies who join or participate in


Kong Tun Na @ Kong

this virtual AGM. The Company continues to believe that the most

Toon Nan

equitable way to reward shareholders is in the form of dividends to be


Riduan bin Toani Mydin

declared yearly and TM has always been committed to the announced


Kow Lih Shi

Dividend Policy.

Category: Annual Report

Total: 1


Can I have a copy of current year financial


Heng Sau Wah

Our share registrar has mailed the physical copies accordingly. Having

report? Thank you.


Loo Yeo Ming

said that, we urged everyone to utilise the digital version available on


Fong Lee Yong

our website.


Kong Tun Na @ Kong

Toon Nan

Category: Strategy & Business

Total: 3


TM has played a key role in Malaysia's digital

Mohd Khairul Naziri bin

TM continues to play a key role in growing Malaysia's digitalisation

infrastructure. With the evolving technological

Abdul Nashir

infrastructure and this is aligned with the government initiatives such

landscape, could you elaborate on the

as JENDELA, DNB 5Gs and others. We are not only focusing on all

company's investment plans for the next few

areas as mentioned in the question, but also including other new


technologies such as AI, IoT, Edge computing and others.

Specifically, are there areas like 5G expansion,

Apart from areas mentioned in the question we are also exploring

fiber optic network upgrades, or emerging

other new technologies such as AI, IoT, data centers, smart services,

technologies like cloud computing that will see

edge computing and other digital services.

a significant focus?


It was recently announced that Singtel aims to

Teo Cher Ming

Asset recycling or monetization is a continuous evaluation process

recycle up to 6 billion worth of assets. Does TM

which we continue to undertake throughout the organization during

have any capital recycling pipeline/targets to

the financial year. We will announce any material transactions through

share with shareholders in this AGM.

Bursa Malaysia as per the Listing Requirement.




Total: 13





Category: Business Strategy & Outlook (Cont'd)

Total: 3


Has the data centre and AI hype benefited TM?

Teo Cher Ming

Data Centre and AI have presented a positive impact to TM.

We are are expanding our current capacity to cater the continuous

high demand, especially from Hyperscalers.

AI is a continuous journey for us and we have embarked on AI

capabilities (Machine Learning and Deep Learning) in our network

ecosystem for proactive troubleshooting and service restoration.

Our ambition is to embrace Generative AI to improve internal

efficiency, enrich customer experience and offer personalised


Category: Manpower

Total: 3


Kindly recommend a salary increase for staff

Jama'iah binti Sabilan

We would like to highlight that our salary ranges for non-executives

who have been paid the maximum scale

are competitive with the market.

(ceiling salary) for non-executives.

Employees who have reached the maximum salary scale receive ex-

gratia payments as one-off compensation, where applicable.


Percentage and number of staffs who are not

Ishak bin Nordin

For 2023, lesser than 5% of our employees were not eligible for bonus,

entitle for issuance of bonus in 2023 (level 1

due to performance, exits from the company or disciplinary reasons.

achievement- non performers).

This aligns with our commitment to a high performance culture, and

we ensure that our processes are fair, transparent and supportive.


Effectiveness of online training system under

Ishak bin Nordin

In 2023, 100% of employees that were given access to LinkedIn

Linkedln? Contract value for subscribing to

Learning have activated their account. Utilisation of our LinkedIn

Linkedln services?

Learning subscription is among the highest in the LinkedIn Learning


Through our investment in LinkedIn Learning, we are taking employee

learning to the next level by adopting digital learning that is self-paced

and on-demand.




Total: 13





Category: Customer Experience

Total: 2


Customers often face long delays in resolving

Jama'iah binti Sabilan

At TM, we take customer satisfaction very seriously. We appreciate

problems. Here's an example of TNB's

bringing the efficient approach of TNB to our attention and we

efficient approach:

continue to improve our processes. We have now implemented

stricter quality control and improve the verification process to ensure

9:00 AM: Customer calls the helpline (15454).

repairs are completed on site.

11:00 AM: A technician arrives to assess the

situation and provide recommendations.

3:00 PM: An action team arrives to resolve the


This quick action results in satisfied

customers. TM should emulate TNB's


Sometimes TM sends a repair vendor, but the

work is not even done at the owner's house,

and they claim it was resolved. TM needs to

improve this to ensure customer satisfaction.


I am very concerned with the deterioration of

Vinodan A/L C Sreedharan

We understand the frustration with recent connectivity issues. We are

TM's Unifi Network for both Home Broadband


pleased to report that we have resolved the Wifi issue on 23rd May

and Unifi Mobile services. I am a long term


subscriber of both and am noticing a steady

deterioration of the network connectivity.

Constant buffering, cutoff of service for home

broadband and consistent drop calls and lack

of mobile internet connectivity in many areas

has become the standard norm. What is

happening to the quality TM's broadband

network services?? Please take note that this

is a serious ground issue in light of other

competitive service providers available.




Total: 13





Category: Financials

Total: 1


Can pay dividend 30 - 50 sens?

Kow Lih Shi

The dividend payout is depending on our business performance. We are

committed to our dividend policy of 40 60% from our reported PATAMI.

Category: Others

Total: 1


Number of fire incidents involving TM's

Ishak bin Nordin

We are happy to report that there were no fire incidences involving any

buildings nationwide in 2023? Quantum of lost

TM building in 2023. As such, there are no losses due to fire incident in

(revenue, asset) due to fire incidents?





Grand Total: 17






What is the cost of holding this virtual AGM?

Chew Yean Loon


Liew Chee Meng

The cost of holding this virtual AGM is lower compared to a physical

Does the Company intend to conduct the future

Lee Tuck Keong

session. We believe that these savings can be better translated to

AGM/EGM physically?

enhance shareholder value.

TM continues to conduct its AGM virtually in order to leverage on

technology to enable shareholders easier and more efficient access to

attend the AGM and facilitate greater shareholder's participation. We

will continue to assess and consider future AGMs based on prevailing

regulatory guidelines.


Can the AGM be scheduled in a period that is

Lim San Kim


away from peak month in order to avoid

As much as we want to have the AGM on a non-peak month, we are

overlaps with competing obligations and the

required to comply with the various statutory requirements for the

accompanying potential non-attendance by

release of financial statements and to conduct general meetings as


stipulated in the Companies Act 2016 and the Bursa Main Market Listing



When does TM intend to pay dividends and

Lim San Kim


distribute treasury shares?

Our dividend policy is between 40 to 60% of Reported PATAMI and

normally paid twice annually. At the current juncture, the Group has no

treasury shares.


We can witness continuous changes in TM but

Sia Cheng Loong


TM is still having monopolistic advantages.

As a Public Listed Company (PLC), we are committed to sustainable

business growth, and spur the nation's advancement. TM's strategy

What is the strategy of TM to ensure that the

is to continue our leadership in the connectivity space, expand digital

products and services are on par?

business solutions and deliver customer service excellence for

consumers, businesses, industries and the Government.

We continue to make investments to position Malaysia as ASEAN's

digital hub.



LIVE Q&A (Con't)

Grand Total: 17


Is TM current share price reflective of the

Chew Hiap Hong


underlying value of the Company's earnings? If

TM shares are publicly traded and its share price is a function of the

not, what are the efforts undertaken by TM to

demand and supply by market participants.

attract more investors to consider the

TM consistently engages with investors by conducting briefings, both

Company's share price and accordingly, move

up the share price.

physically and virtually to communicate on the Company's strategies

and operations.


Does TM have any plans in place to take TM

Thavarajan A/L Muthiah

Dato' Chairman:

private (similar to Malaysian Airports Holdings


We have no plans to take TM private.



Can TM consider distributing dividends on a

Jaswant Singh


quarterly basis instead of semi-annual basis as

At TM, we continue to assess the frequency of our dividend

it may enhance the Company's share trading

distribution, in line with the best interest for our shareholders and the

volume and eventually its market value?



Can TM increase the dividend payout while

Fong Lee Yong

Dato' Chairman:

reducing directors' fee and allowance?

It is our goal to have dividend as much as we can, that is why we

strive to be the best in term of operations. As for directors' fees, I can

understand the shareholders' sentiment but we are a company that

want to attract the best talent as our board members and the current

Board members are all people of experienced and we value their

contribution by at least putting them at the market value based on

their levels.


In the face of economic downturn and regional

Tan Tee Kheng


political instability, what new policies will TM

It is important for TM to be successful and to understand various

adopt to face these challenges?

challenges and market dynamics. Therefore, our business policies

are all aligned to our strategy to deliver our commitments, superior

customer experience and continuous value to our shareholders by

several initiatives and plans moving forward.


Is quality assurance carried out for TM's

Mohamad Faizan Bin Shari



Yes definitely. Network quality has always been our utmost priority

because customers are very important to us.



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TM - Telekom Malaysia Berhad published this content on 16 July 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 16 July 2024 09:31:01 UTC.