Strategic Elements Ltd. has achieved another significant milestone with its self-charging battery technology successfully generating an output of over 4V from moisture in the air over a testing period of approx. 5 hours. This was achieved through development of a prototype battery pack containing multiple connected battery ink cells. The self-charging battery ink technology is being designed to generate electricity from humidity in the air or skin surface. It is being developed under a collaboration partially funded by a Federal Government grant with CSIRO and the University of New South Wales. The technology is demonstrating strong early stage potential by recently scaling up to 1 litre ink batch size and now rapidly increasing from 0.8V in a single cell to a maximum voltage of 4.4V from the first prototype battery pack developed. Further development on a) reducing battery ink cell size whilst retaining the same voltage output and b) developing battery ink cells capable of being fabricated onto a flexible textile material has commenced. The self-charging battery technology has strong potential competitive advantages over traditional batteries and power sources that suffer from flexibility, dimension, weight and/or safety issues whilst needing a constant power supply or to be charged. Five battery ink cells each 1cm x 1cm in area weighing less than a few milligrams and thinner than a human hair were fabricated onto glass. The cells were successfully serially connected to each other and placed in a testing chamber with 75% humidity (human skin is known to generate elevated levels of humidity to 90%). The battery pack successfully sustained an open circuit voltage output in excess of 4V over a 5 hour testing period with a maximum of 4.4V achieved. The humidity level was reduced to approx. 55% over the testing period with the voltage output remaining above 4V. The voltage output showed no sign of degradation over the testing period. The ability of the technology to self-charge by harvesting energy from humidity in the air was demonstrated by manipulating moisture in the testing chamber. After reducing the humidity to less than 1% (a desert has humidity of approx. 20%) the voltage as expected reduced to 0.17V. As humidity was re-introduced the battery pack returned to producing its peak voltage. A patent application was lodged 27/01/21 over aspects of the work conducted under the program. Further work will be conducted to test the battery ink cells with different loads and levels of humidity. Early observations suggest battery ink cells have potential to be reduced in size whilst still generating a similar level of voltage (0.8V). Significantly, this could potentially enable development of much smaller devices or greater energy generated from a specific area. The next development milestone is to develop battery ink cells up to four times smaller than the existing cells. For illustration, this would enable four cells to be fabricated in the space taken by one current cell (1cm x 1cm). Voltage output will be tested over a five hour period to determine whether a similar level of voltage (0.8V) can be generated from the smaller cells. Potential of reducing cell size further will be investigated if the programme is successful.