Straker Translations Limited announced Independent Chairman Phil Norman and Independent Non-Executive Director Tim Williams have notified the company of their intention to step down from the Board at the company's Annual Shareholders Meeting on 24 August 2022. Straker also announces Heith Mackay-Cruise and Steve Bayliss have been nominated to replace them as Independent Non-Executive Directors on the same day with Mr. Mackay-Cruise assuming the post of Chairman. Mr. Mackay-Cruise and Mr. Bayliss will both seek election to the Straker Translations Board at the Annual Shareholders Meeting.

Mr. Mackay-Cruise brings to Straker more than 25 years in the media, education and technology sectors. He is currently the Non-Executive Chair of UP Education Limited in New Zealand, a Non-Executive Director of the Southern Cross Media Group, a Non-Executive Director of networking company Orro Group and a Non-Executive National Director of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Mr. Bayliss is one of New Zealand's most experienced and awarded marketing professionals.

He has served in marketing leadership positions at Lion Nathan, Air New Zealand, Foodstuffs and Sky Network Television. He is also currently a Director of craft brewer the Garage Project.