Star Cement Limited announced at the board meeting held on May 19, 2023 that the company approved Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka has resigned as the Chief Executive Officer (KMP under Companies Act, 2013) of the Company with effect from close of the business hours of 19th May, 2023 due to appointment of new Chief Executive Officer. However, he will continue as the Managing Director and Chairman of the Company. In terms of recommendation of Nomination & Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on 19th May, 2023 has appointed Mr. Vinit Kumar Tiwari as the Chief Executive Officer (Key Managerial Personnel under the Companies Act, 2013) of the Company effective from 20th May, 2023.
Mr. Vinit Kumar Tiwari aged about 54 years is an MBA (Marketing) and B.Sc. He is an established professional with over 29 years of rich and varied experience. He possess set of competencies in diverse functional areas like Business operations and management, Sales & business development, Supply chain management, Strategy, Client relationship management, Planning, Market Expansion, Logistics, Channel Management and Cost Optimization etc., He was associated with Ultra Tech Cement Limited, Greenply Industries Limited and NUVOCO in different capacities.