The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the Labour Market Statistics, January 2014 report, which shows the data for September to November 2013.

The report's key findings show that:

  • The percentage of people aged from 16 to 64 who were in work (the employment rate) was 72.1%. The employment rate is up 0.5 percentage points from June to August 2013 and up 0.7 from a year earlier. There were 30.15 million people in employment aged 16 and over, up 280,000 from June to August 2013 and up 450,000 from a year earlier.
  • The percentage of the economically active population aged 16 and over who were unemployed (the unemployment rate) was 7.1%. The unemployment rate is down 0.5 percentage points from June to August 2013 and down 0.6 from a year earlier. There were 2.32 million unemployed people aged 16 and over, down 167,000 from June to August 2013 and down 172,000 from a year earlier.
  • The percentage of people aged from 16 to 64 who were economically inactive (the economic inactivity rate) was 22.2%. The inactivity rate is down 0.1 percentage points from June to August 2013 and down 0.2 percentage points from a year earlier. There were 8.93 million economically inactive people aged from 16 to 64, down 22,000 from June to August 2013 and down 75,000 from a year earlier.
  • Total pay and regular pay both rose by 0.9% compared with September to November 2012.

Visit the ONS website for the full Labour Market Statistics, January 2014 report.

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