Solartron Public Company Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Skywell (Thailand) Company Limited ("SKY-TH"), a subsidiary of TWZ Corporation Public Company Limited to engage in wholesale business and marketing of electric vehicles (EV Vehicles), where SKY-TH has been appointed by Advance Mobility Company Limited to be an exclusive agent for electric vehicles produced by Advance Mobility Company Limited supply exclusively to "SKYWELL" and specializing in the sales and services of electric vehicles to companies and organizations whereby both parties have joint intentions to establish an electric car charging station as well as considering the form of establishing a new company that will be joint investment which will developing, building and investing in the first solar electric charging station in Thailand. SOLAR will bring solar technologies to be installed on the charging station. All Including jointly developing and installing EV charging stations for the EV market, especially to supporting to EV electric vehicles which sold by SKY-TH whereby SKY-TH will be responsible for providing sales and marketing. The Memorandum of Understanding is subject to the terms of the contract for 3 years, which the parties will consider and negotiate the conditions. If there is any further progress will inform later.