Cicero Inc. announced that a globally known financial services and brokerage firm has selected Cicero Discovery to provide compliance monitoring and enforcement across applications for brokerage employees. Cicero Discovery software provides Desktop Activity Intelligence (DAI) by capturing, storing, and reporting activities and events across applications in order to measure and manage how people, processes, and technology work together in the contact center. Cicero Discovery consists of six desktop sensors: Session, System, Activity, Business Data, Business Process, and Microsoft Outlook.

These sensors capture various data and can be configurable using a centralized management tool. Cicero Discovery empowers corporations and government agencies to effectively monitor information in applications and business systems to meet compliance and other business requirements. Ideal for compliance managers, risk managers, and other areas requiring compliance monitoring, Cicero Discovery sensors provide real time information for actively identifying issues and enforcing regulations across applications.

Cicero Discovery can then publish the results, send alerts, or trigger additional configured automations. Cicero customers and partners are using Cicero Discovery to, proactively monitor systems to identify potential problems before they occur; create rules to monitor specific compliance and business requirements such as HIPAA and PCI-DSS; enforce business rules such as those required in banking and securities transactions; report on specific issues such as when employees use USB drives, copy a Social Security number, etc.; and send alerts to supervisors when then there are compliance or business rule violations.