Cicero Inc. and Almawave announced a new partnership to bundle Cicero Discovery with Almawave's Iride Natural Interface product. Cicero Discovery is a lightweight and configurable tool that collects identified, targeted data from existing applications. Almawave is using Cicero Discovery to access and pass this data between legacy and other end-user applications and the Iride Natural Interface, expanding the product's existing capabilities and providing more flexibility to contact center environments.

These new capabilities will allow contact centers to easily adopt Almawave's Iride Natural Interface as their single front-end multi-channel Customer Contact Management solution without the need for expensive, time-consuming integration projects. More specifically, the new integrated solution will enable contact centers to Dramatically increase the operational efficiency with a significant cost savings Improve the employee experience and drastically reduce the need for training Understand in real time the reason for any customer contact across channels Begin automating employee tasks and working with models based on process/case, reducing their effort during each customer interaction Improve the customer experience across contact channels Leverage legacy and other existing applications for easy integration and rapid implementation Drive CRM and other application actions.