Smooth Rock Ventures Corp. announced that it has filed an Amended Notice of Intent (the NOI) exploration permit with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (the BLM) to conduct further drilling on the 100% owned Palmetto Gold project, located in Esmeralda County, Nevada, within the southern portion of the Walker Lane gold trend. The NOI exploration permit with the BLM covers the disturbance areas created to establish drill road access and drill sites within the Palmetto Project. The Company, when possible, attempts to drill multiple holes from single drill pads on existing roads to minimize the amount of surface disturbance created by drilling activities. This practise will allow the Company to drill many more holes under a NOI than would be possible if each drill hole was drilled from a single drill site. The Company can amend the NOI exploration permit over the next 2 years to increase the permitted disturbance areas for additional drill sites and access roads at the Palmetto Project. The Company is planning for an early 2022 drill program at the Palmetto project, based on the success of its initial 2021 drill program. Drill hole SRV 21-01 returned 31.4 g/t Au over 6.5 meters, including 44.3g/t Au over 0.8 meters, and 122.5 g/t Au over 1.1 meters from a depth of approximately 85 meters. The initial 2021 four-hole diamond drill program was designed to expand the current resource by drilling the mineralized zones as interpreted by the Company's geological team. Drilling targeted potential high grade feeder chutes contained in deformation corridors, paralleling the main structural trends and explored other areas of the project outside of the inferred resource area. The 2021 drill results align with Smooth Rock's interpreted geological model, based on the Company's compilation of all historical data from previous drilling and exploration programs. The information from the compilation and interpretation of the initial 2021 drill program will greatly aid in acceleration of drilling, geological mapping and understanding of the gold mineralization at the Palmetto project.