Skjern Bank announced earnings results for the first quarter of 2015. For the period, the company reported net income from interest of DKK 39,364,000 against DKK 40,844,000 a year ago. Net income from interest and charges was DKK 56,355,000 against DKK 58,811,000 a year ago. Profit on ordinary activities before tax was DKK 20,815,000 against DKK 19,616,000 a year ago. Profit for the period was DKK 15,924,000 against DKK 14,712,000 a year ago. Earnings per share were DKK 8.3 against DKK 7.6 a year ago. Book value per share was DKK 280 against DKK 305 a year ago. Acceptable profit before tax of DKK 20.8 million compared to DKK 19.6 million in 2014.

For the quarter, the company impairments (individual write-downs on loans) were reduced to DKK 9.9 million compared to DKK 10.5 million in 2014.

The bank`s core earnings outlook for 2015 is still in the range of DKK 115 million to DKK 125 million.