Phoenix Semiconductor Philippines Corp. announced that it is proceeding with the construction of its Phase 2 Expansion Project in its manufacturing center in Clark Freeport, Pampanga to expand manufacturing capacity for clients other than Samsung South Korea in 2017. The Phase 2 Expansion Project consists two stage-expansion plans with the construction of the manufacturing building with an initial production footprint of 18,000 sq. meters, a new 1,000 sq. meter warehouse and the expansion power utility building set for completion in 2017. Pending the finalization of the building's architectural and engineering plans and the signing of main construction contract, project mobilization and civil and foundation works have been started. The Expansion Project is expected to be completed by end of August this year, after which ramp up of production equipment and ancillary utilities and support facilities is expected to be started immediately in anticipation of incoming production orders. Financing for the construction of the initial building of the Expansion Project is sourced from the company's initial public offering in December 2014 and from retained earnings from past years of operations. The Project was delayed due to the slowdown in the global semiconductor industry. The company anticipates the global semiconductor industry to continue on its recovery path within 2017.