Seafarer Exploration Corp. announced the renewal of two important permits, 1A-31 Exploration Permit No. 2016.05 and 2014.04, in Melbourne Beach, Florida.

These two permit areas along the coastline North of the Sebastian Inlet contain material from at least two colonial-era shipwrecks. These permits, along with their amendments, allow Seafarer to continue resolving these sites, recover diagnostic artifacts, and perform test excavations at the "Ring Site" shipwreck. The Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research entered into the renewal of these permits, allowing Seafarer Exploration Corp.

to press forward with its mission to rescue the maritime history buried beneath the waves. In addition to these recently renewed permits, which are effective until March 2027, Seafarer's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Easement "permit" and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) permit remain valid through June of 2025, providing a solid foundation for Seafarer's exploration and conservation efforts. This significant milestone comes after nearly three years of negotiations with the State of Florida and represents a pivotal moment for the company's continued archaeological work at these historic shipwreck sites.