NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Broker) - The US bank JPMorgan has left the Scout24 share at "Neutral" with a target price of 72 euros. The takeover of the third-largest British residential real estate portal OTM (OnTheMarket) by CoStar Group underlines the ambitions of the US platform operator in Europe, wrote analyst Marcus Diebel in a study on Rightmove and Scout24 published on Tuesday. After initial price losses in October, the shares of the two established European providers have almost fully recovered. The two are likely to retain their leading position despite the added competition, but probably at higher costs, expects Diebel, who at the same time downgraded Rightmove to "Underweight"./ck/mis

Publication of the original study: 15.01.2024 / 20:49 / GMT

First distribution of the original study: 16.01.2024 / 00:15 / GMT


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