Dividend: CHF 2.20 per share and participation certificate

At their 86th Ordinary General Meeting in Lucerne, the shareholders of Schindler Holding Ltd. approved the annual report and financial statements of Schindler Holding Ltd. as well as the consolidated group financial statements for 2013 and granted discharge to the members of the Board of Directors and Group Executive Committee. All other motions proposed by the Board of Directors, including a comprehensive revision of the Articles of Association and, for the first time, voting on the proposed fixed compensation for the Board of Directors and Group Executive Committee for 2014, were also approved.

Schindler Holding Ltd. closed the financial year 2013 with a net profit of CHF 765 million (previous year: CHF 551 million). The General Meeting approved the motions regarding the appropriation of profits. As a result, a gross dividend of CHF 2.20 per registered share and participation certificate will be paid out on March 24, 2014.

The reduction of registered share capital of CHF 7'088'764.50 by elimination of repurchased registered shares in the new amount of CHF 6'818'035.20, as well as the reduction of participation certificate capital of CHF 4'617'190.90 by elimination of repurchased participation certificates in the new amount of CHF 4'461'853.30, was also approved.

Lord Charles Powell of Bayswater, Member of the Board of Directors since March 2003, announced in advance of the General Meeting his retirement from the Board. Since joining the Board of Directors, Lord Powell has actively supported the company with his wide professional experience and contacts from the political and economic world, including, for example, in the conception and implementation of complex strategic undertakings.

Newly elected to the Board of Directors was Jürgen Tinggren, President of the Group Executive Committee, respectively CEO of the Schindler Group from 2007 until the end of 2013. Along others, he is a member of the board of directors of Schenker-Winkler Holding Ltd., Zug, a member of the board of directors of the Swiss American Chamber of Commerce, Zürich, and a member of the board of directors of Tyco International Ltd., Neuhausen.

In addition, the General Meeting approved until the closure of next Ordinary General Meeting the re-election of Alfred N. Schindler (Chairman), Luc Bonnard, Dr. Rudolf W. Fischer, Prof. Dr. Karl Hofstetter, Prof. Dr. Pius Baschera, Prof. Dr. Monika Bütler, Dr. Hubertus von Grünberg, Anthony Nightingale, Rolf Schweiger, Carole Vischer and Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Wellershoff.

The resolutions and detailed voting results of the General Meeting will be published on www.schindler.com on March 18, 2014.

Tensid Ltd., Switzerland


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