HULFT, a comprehensive data logistics platform, announced today that A-B Emblem, a manufacturer of custom embroidered patches for thousands of organizations around the world, used the power of HULFT Integrate to migrate six years of product design and inventory data into the company’s new business solution. HULFT Integrate is a powerful no-code data integration architecture that is securely compatible with all major data destinations through hundreds of diverse adapters.

A-B Emblem, the North American division of Conrad Industries, has been the leading international manufacturer and designer of embroidered patches for over six decades. It touts Fortune 500 companies and many household brands as long-standing customers.

Over the years, the company has been modernizing its supply chain with digitized business processes to eliminate redundancies and time-consuming manual steps. As an established leader in the industry, A-B Emblem produces over 16,000 designs per year and the company’s outdated technology and workflow processes couldn’t keep up with the volume and level at which they were doing business.

Transferring 100GB of product design and inventory data out of legacy systems

As part of its effort to overhaul the entire business process and backend systems, A-B Emblem needed to transfer 100GB of product design and inventory data from the legacy system into Kintone,a new generation custom application builder and teamwork platform.

“We thought this project was impossible and we would have to manually enter all the data from Excel spreadsheets into the new system,” said Heather Johnson, compliance officer at A-B Emblem. “HULFT eliminated the manual grunt work and enabled us to fully move away from our archaic system that was producing a lot of frustration and overhead.”

The HULFT team used HULFT Integrate to migrate 150,000 Excel spreadsheets that contained construction details for embroidered emblem and patches into the new online product library. Data from design construction worksheets were extracted, cleaned, filtered and imported into three separate Kintone applications in under two weeks. Now, highly detailed design specs and customer data can be found within minutes -- a process that customer service and sales reps used to manually locate in Excel, which often took weeks or months depending on the project.

Migrating all our design data into the new system not only increased employee efficiency but improved morale and satisfaction; the team is no longer frustrated with the tedious process of manually moving between Excel and Kintone to find customer information and patch designs,” said Johnson.

Transferring all the design data into the new system has had a significant impact on the company. For its next phase, A-B Emblem is planning to build an enhanced digital inventory model that will be critical for moving its ordering system into Kintone.

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About A-B Emblem

A-B Emblem is the North American division of Conrad Industries and has been the leading international manufacturer and designer of embroidered patches for over six decades. A-B Emblem supply’s custom patches for thousands of companies around the world, including Fortune 500 companies, NASA, R.E.I., and more. It includes seven separate divisions, including three factories, four distribution divisions, and produces over seventy million patches per year. For more information please visit

About HULFT Inc.

Today’s enterprise works hard for data. IT spends time and money manually connecting far-flung silos of data which are often insecure. A division of Saison Information Systems (TYO: 9640), HULFT has helped more than 10,000 global customers automate, orchestrate, and accelerate the secure flow of information at scale. HULFT provides a single global platform that helps IT quickly find, secure, organize, transform, and move the right information – automating the entire business processes of data flow, and unlocking value in a sea of information. With 25 years of customer experience, HULFT is the engine that makes data work. For more information please visit