Oddo maintains its Outperform rating on Safran, with a price target raised from 136 to 138 euros.

With Safran due to publish its 2022 results on February 17, the research firm is betting on EBIT growth of 34% to ME2,427, and lfl sales growth of 15.5% to ME18,966.

In addition to earnings growth, Safran benefited from advances on Rafale export contracts, as well as increased Leap flight hours. Safran should therefore end the year with a net cash position close to 0.4 MdE, which paves the way for a real share buyback", says the analyst.

The broker models an EBIT of 3,016 ME in 2023 for sales of 22,266 ME, while the VA consensus is 3,072 ME and 22,387 ME respectively.

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