ASX Market Announcements
ASX Limited
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Level 8 Carillon City Office Tower

207 Murray Street Perth, WA 6000

Post Office Box Z5736

Perth, Western Australia 6831

T 08 6460 0360 F 08 6460 0361

7 January 2013


Resource Development Group Ltd ("RDG") announces the appointment of Mr Mark Pugsley as Chief Financial Officer.
Mark is an associate of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants and has held the position of Chief Financial Officer or General Manager in a number of financial services organizations, including as Director of Finance and Company Secretary from 2004 to 2011 with RBS Morgans Limited Group, where he was responsible for the group's financial affairs including accounts, capital expenditure and budgets.
More recently, Mark has been the WA state director for RBS Morgans Limited Group from
July 2011.
The appointment of Mark has been part of a plan implemented by the board in 2011 to coincide with the expansion of RDG via the recent acquisitions and as part of a plan to further expand the business going forwards.
Commenting on the appointment, Mr Jeff Brill, MD of Resource Development Group Ltd, said, "Mark is an experienced Chief Financial Officer with a strong track record and a demonstrated ability to implement sound financial measures to create shareholder value in businesses where significant change and transformation is underway. This is an important appointment as the Company embarks on the next phase of its growth strategy."
"I would also like to thank our outgoing CFO Mr Troy Ventriss for his dedication and service to RDG since it's listing in 2011 and for his assistance through the recent acquisitions undertaken. The board wishes Troy well in his future pursuits."
Yours Faithfully
Jeff Brill
Managing Director

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