Renault and Nissan are finalizing an agreement to revise their alliance and will issue a statement later today, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters on Monday, adding that the French automaker should reduce its stake in the Japanese carmaker to 15% from 43%.

The discussions, which began several months ago, have also resulted in an agreement for Nissan to invest in Renault's new electric vehicle entity, the sources said, confirming information first reported by the Nikkei newspaper.

A Nissan spokesman declined a request for comment. A Renault spokesman could not be immediately reached.

While the scope of the 20-year-old alliance is set to change, sources have told Reuters in the past that the two automakers are also expected to set up new joint projects. (Reporting by Maki Shiraki and David Dolan, with Daniel Leussink and Satoshi Sugiyama)