The board ("Board") of directors ("Directors" and each a "Director") of Renaissance Asia Silk Road Group Limited ("Company") announced that Mr. Ho Wing Chung ("Mr. Ho") has resigned as an independent non-executive Director ("INED") due to other work engagement with effect from the conclusion of the Board meeting held on 1 June 2022. Upon his resignation, Mr. Ho has also ceased to be a member of the Company's audit committee, nomination committee, remuneration
committee (respectively "Audit Committee", "Nomination Committee" and "Remuneration Committee") and other Board committee, if any. The Board is announced that Mr. Chen Jian ("Mr. Chen") has been appointed as an INED with effect from the conclusion of the Board meeting held on 1 June 2022. Upon his appointment,
Mr. Chen has also been appointed as a member of the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee. Mr. Chen Jian, aged 42, is an experienced Chinese lawyer with extensive experience in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, foreign investment, cross-border financing related law. Mr. Chen currently serve as a senior partner of DeHeng Law Offices (Zhuhai), the Chinese legal advisor of Ng & Shum Law Firm, Hong Kong, an independent non-executive director of Jianglong Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. (a company listed on ChiNext of The Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and a supervisor or vice-chairman of various societies or associations. Mr. Chen obtained a master's degree in laws from University of Sheffield, United Kingdom in 2004.